« Братiя христiане! Decorated by gold and precious каменьями
and трамблянствующие under многооркестрную music, with a roar,
звонами, катавасиями and with million fireworks or all of
you, всехвальные владыки мракобесного of the christian world
this! Whether who from you will wish to grow fond of me how
заповедано to us in Ерусалимской (т. е. In new) заповеди Божiей?
Iоан. 13-32, 35; 1 Iоан. 3-23, 10, 15, 16; 2-9... 11; 1 Кор.
13-1... 8; Мат. 5-22;; To. With. 22-4...
« Is not present, мазурики and лентяи, these by yours крамольными
or социалистными by cries to us, you will not appease ours
nobly - educated разгул and will not force ours сладострастно-well-fad
мамону побрататься with всякою пустобрюхою сволочью, valid
сих заповедей человекобожиих, for we well know, that these
заповедей IT(HIM) as early as one nobody has executed, and
execute can not, because a question yet is not solved, whom
king, prince, general, барин, or landowner, richman, soldier,
peasant, chimney sweep, прохвост, свинопас, daddy, кардинал,
the patriarch, митрополит, арихиерей, протопоп, поп, дьячек,
суперинтендант, пастор, раббин and святый чудотворец owes
recognize for ближняго. »
Гурики were always and always will be. They have no a nationality,
as кровного of a distinctive attribute. Internationalism property
of their nature, they ладят with the representatives of all
peoples. Why they refer to as гурики. Such man in Leningrad,
at the Moscow station, in that place simply lives, where the
Kolomna street passes in Пушкинскую, Александр Петрович Гурамов.
Than it(he) is remarkable? Yes by anything especial. Same
as everything, goes on work, drinks vodka, loves is tasty
to have a meal. Will see such in the street - even and will
not pay attention, and if will notice, will tell about itself:
« Well and рожа! » Also will be mistaken. Because it(he) has
by one remarkable property - to it(him) love to go in the
visitors those who even slightly with it(him) is familiar.
And all this that Санька Гурамов - expressed representative
гуриков 80-90-х of years absorbing in on a maximum everything,
both positive and negative, quality of these people.
Гурики very respect the clever people able coherently and
is accessible to inform the knowledge with environmental.
But anyone умник, not capable convincingly and simply to make
it, will cause contempt гуриков and can not expect for their
arrangement. Though гурики it(him) about it never directly
will tell, because from a nature they are very delicate.
Гурики and are very clever. Are clever so, that never it will
show. They very much находчивы. In extreme situations they
are capable on the non-standard decisions. Once one very worthy
гурик In. К. in those times, when was less democracy, but
freedom for simple гурика, late stuffy Leningrad white years(summer)
night there are more, coming back with good попойки, with
five copecks by the underground, were afraid that his(its)
constitutional right will be broken to drink or to not drink,
with whom to drink and how many to drink to not involve(attract)
unhealthy attention of mobile militian groups (ПМГ), it(he)
has come to the ingenious decision free has overcome all Moscow
prospectus from the Moscow department store up to the area
of the World (nowadays Сенной), representing the man running
трусцой. Therefore as, for whom late night, and for somebody
else early morning. And morning some strange people love to
make jogs. By the end of a way two tasks were decided(solved).
Any militiaman assume a little sober man could not in running.
And to the area of the World In. К. has come running already
in that status, when the abilities of the man are to the full
shown to make labour feats or scientific opening, as it(he)
was the man of science. There were six o'clock in the morning
and In. К. could already take advantage of the underground
to reach the laboratory on Петроградской to the party, though
there, in general(common), was already by hand to submit.
But, it is necessary to recognize, that гурики are slightly
lazy, and when there is such opportunity, prefer to not go
on foot.
In this sequence it would be desirable still to note that
very much метко has noticed 1,5 centuries back one of the
geniuses of the Russian literature Виссарион Белинский. Then
still to his(its) inquisitive mind(wit) there was obvious
a following: Petersburg гурик, how many there is a lot of
vodka it(he) has not had a drink on the eve at night and how
many long it(he) would linger over behind any employment(occupation)
on a visit, at 9 o'clock in the morning always will be on
a service. (I very much frequently was convinced Of it, in
бытность mine in Leningrad: never any known to me гурик was
late for work, in fixed time they always rose to the machine
tool, to a drawing table, to the computer. Once, well known
to me, гурик. Б., in мертвецком a status was delivered to
anothers гуриком in an audience, where at. Б. the lecture
for his(its) expecting students should be held. Two academic
hours. Б. represented from itself sober, but there is some
уставшего, man. Force of spirit true Leningrad гурика here
is how is great!!!).
Moscow гурики, on supervision same In. Белинского, of this
quality are deprived. Never true Moscow гурик will go on work,
if on the eve it(he) pleasantly carried out(spent) time. Besides
Leningrad гурик is so delicate, that being is drunk, at own
will, never there will be on a cultural measure like theatrical
performance, a performance in a circus, sports competition.
Such unseemly act it(he) can make only under influence Moscow
гурика or man rejecting moral principles true гурика.
Гурики are mild and миролюбивы. Do not love and are not able
драться. Do not transfer another's sufferings and very sympathetically
concern to everyone страдальцам. If they are be by the direct
participants of a stage of someone's suffering, express the
compassion поддерживанием and поглаживанием локотков страдальца.
If they are allowed by(with) their growth (for гурики are
low by growth more often), can slightly and приобнять. Their
low growth allows them very directly to express own suffering
or pleasure. If they are lower than average growth, приникают
by a head to a breast of the comrade and mutter words of suffering
or pleasure, that them overcomes. Гурики by more powerful
комплекции can afford in pleasure to clasp in the field of
a waist of the friend (usually at meeting, and it is especially
good at them it turns out, if that is higher than them a head)
and, having torn off from ground, to shake or повращать that
in the different parties. If one гурик никнет to another or
тискает it(him) for pleasure, another thus is confused закатывает
of an eye or laughs as the fool. The feelings of pleasure
гурики can represent and differently. For example, as дворник
Тихон from « of Twelve chairs ». Depending on a sincere status
гурик, полеживая on a sofa and почитывая the newspaper французких
коммунистов « Юманите диманш », after выпитой of a bottle
of beer, can get rid nothing by a meaning phrase such as «
And, барин have arrived! » Or anything to tell, as if you
have parted five minutes back, though you just have arrived
from Moscow, Omsk, the Vladivostoks or Кокчетава after multimonthly
absence and have unlocked a door of his(its) apartment by
a key, which have not returned during last departure. Гурикам
the theatricality is alien. All feelings, expressed by them,
essence a nature of their nature.
The roughness гурикам is unusual. They very seldom use obscene
брань and know only a few бранных of words. Гурики never бранятся
at the women. The women they very much respect. Here they
are guided by words of m. Bitter: « Measured of any civilization
a way of the attitude(relation) to the woman. »
Гурики do not love вранья. They - supporters of truthful reflection
of life. And the attitude(relation) to any event, to their
not responding concept about validity, express by words: «
Врать it is not necessary! » The Outlook present гуриков was
formed under powerful salutary influence of the newspaper
"«Truth", unique(sole) newspaper at 70-80 г.г.,
accessible to broad masses of the population which is not
wishing to spend the money to a subscription. Sometimes some
гурики recede from this rule, but their innocent вранье -
not that large ложь, with which they do not transfer. Some
гурики sometimes begin terribly хитрить. But as they the people
unsophisticated, it at once is appreciable. Such гурика should
immediately be shamed by any terrible on force of influence
by words, type: « How it is not a shame? And е-щ-е п-о-ж-и-л-о-й
ч-е-л-о-в-е-к! » (in former times there was one more strong
argument: « How it is not a shame? You see you the Soviet
man! »). Shamed гурик immediately repents. Repenting гурика
it is necessary here to forgive, not forgiven гурик will repent,
yet надоест. Can seem, that here there is a certain contradiction:
on the one hand not врут, on the other hand хитрят. For unfamiliar
with such pieces I shall tell directly: that second plays
a role borrowed from катехизиса of concept of fall, and first
if to be devout dialectikand to try to understand essence
of denying of denying, - role of maximum unity conducting
to expiation.
The social base гуриков is very wide. They can by the sanitary
technicians, factory работягами, can be the engineers, have
scientific ranks. Many гурики are capable on the large scientific
theories. A little worthy гуриков (In. Кузяк,. Бякин etc.),
70 years, being young, but giving the large hope (and оправдавшими
once have crossed them) post-graduate students of the Leningrad
institute of the exact mechanics and optics, threshold of
knowledge, which Soviet society(community) especially required
in those famous times, - математически precisely and dialectically
correctly have developed and have applied in practice кайфо-кирьяновую
system. Гуриком can consider(count) itself anyone, who has
usual human conscience. Гуриками cease to be, when about it(her)
overlook(forget). Гурики never will take another's. Unique(sole),
that they can take that badly lays, it is any tool triviality,
because гурики трудяги and can not reconcile that any rusts
without supervisions collective-farm драчовый a file. To the
personal property of the citizens гурики are absolutely indifferent.
Гурики never go to vote, they are sharp enough, to understand,
how is formed and any authority works. They do not want to
be plasticine, from which is moulded мифический an image of
the man, which selects to itself(himself) the governors itself.
They though and not the philosophers, but марксизмом own so,
that well understand, of what money there is anyone буржуазная
Some гурики seem sad and gloomy. Some гурики make deceptive
impression of the sad, gloomy and unsociable persons. But
it not so. They are able to have fun. But it will never do(make)
with the people not of the circle. With alien by him(it) on
outlook by the representatives of mankind гурики really miss
both run into depression and can not long be in such society(community),
because are not able to pretend.
Some гурики are timid and are silent. They consider(count),
that all that they can tell to the people and without that
by him(it) understandably, and there is no need to repeat
and to put itself in a silly rule(situation). In the society(community),
usually laconic, гуриков bears(carries). They can повествовать
by hours, just as can listen by hours, not interrupting another
гурика. To гурикам it is very pleasant to go in the visitors,
because in their society(community) feel itself very naturally
and easy. гурики are so natural, that before them never feel
itself silly. It not хитроватые митьки, dressed on itself
human simplicity. In simplicity гуриков is not present лукавости,
she(it) goes from simple гуриковского of heart. For many people
the stay on a visit at гурика replaces a session at good психотерапевта.
Гурики as well as митьки always were in говне. But as against
митьков never from him(it) will be washed also of successes
significant in the life do not achieve. They will be never
rich, and will never do(make) money that they гурики. Гурики
die silently and кротко, nobody reproaching and not blaming
for the not usual life. On their funeral it happens немноголюдно.
True гурику is dreamed, that should be of one - two correct
friend and drunk kind neighbour on a ladder platform. That
on a court yard there was an autumn and windy rainy weather.
Гурики are not vain. They never received of the awards above
ranks « Ударник коммунистического of work » or Honourable
letter from regional committee ДОСААФ for active participation
in education of youth (received for the complete tax 5-ти
копеечных of voluntary payments, which the members of collective
in the award for his(its) simplicity) have not regretted(pitied).
Awards and medals гурики have no. They are received for them
by(with) others. Гурики work not for awards and other цацки.
An award or the medal гурик can receive casually for personal
courage and propensity to self-sacrifice. They very much love
to come to somebody to the aid. Гурик can thrust a hand in
a crack of a slamming door of a trolley bus, that has not
beaten протискивающуюся in a door девчушку, can run стометровку
вдогонку behind the passer - by which has dropped five roubles.
Once Leningrad гурик Санька Ванюков has rushed during repair
work on Фонтанке to correct incorrectly легшее бревно and
was lost.
Guriks never change to the belief. They remain are correct
by him(it) invariable the same as «...
dialectik Engels on закате of days remains is correct dialectic»
(V. I. Lenin. « The State and revolution »., Гл. IV.6
Engels about avoid of democracy., page 75. Gospoliizdat,
1950.). For them some more any man, for example, of
saws, and кичился by it is not clear, why yesterday. And
today speaks everything what to drink it is impossible and
again refers, that itself does not drink. Гурик can throw
to drink, but not because has changed to the belief, that
is why that simply would not be desirable to it(him) or
to not afflict the people, close to it(him).
True гурика it is very difficult to win dispute. If it(he)
has read, about what or in the newspaper, it(him) not переубедишь.
Гурик will not be similar to.
Михайловскому, the situation with which is beaten In. And.
Лениным in work «That such «the friends
of the people» and as they are at war against социал-демократов»
(Госполитиздат, 1952., page 52.), which is set « by a silliest
question: «and is farther what?» And thoughtfully
adds: «I should frankly admit, what not absolutely clearly
I present to myself the answer Engels.» Such
fluctuations гурикам are not peculiar.
But than above level образованности гурика, especially it(he)
is declined to соглашательству and конформизму.
I think, who is not too silly,
already has understood, that F. Engelsс too was Gurik.
Everyone speak « марксизм, марксизм », and if to count on
whom refers In. And more. Ленин, will appear - all laurels
have got not to the that man.
nobody condemn.
They can are offended on somebody, but is long angry do not
hold. If it(he) somebody has ceased to respect, never can
force itself to show приятственные of feeling.
Гурики are very much adhered to the parents.
More often they live вдалеке from the native center. But annually
visit the folder with мамкой in the summer somewhere in the
Orenburg steppes. And winter send by him(it) parcels(sending),
батьке three - four bottles of good vodka, мамке good конфеток.
The letters many гурики to write do not love and are not able.
Гурики very much respect the writers
Гурики very much respect the writers. Though do not read of
their products more often. But they know from the visitors
and friends, that these writers very good and make pride of
our culture. They love Марину Цветаеву, Беллу Ахмадуллину,
Бориса Пастернака and other poets, know them on names, them
did not read, but heard some lines from the friends, remember
them, and can quote to a place and not to a place. Most of
all they know creativity In. Высоцкого. By the citations from
him(it) they strew frequently. But among гуриков frequently
meet and very much высокообразованные of the person, which
by depth of the knowledge and breadth think can strike not
one haughty интелектуала.
Гурики it is usual жадноваты.
But this quality is peculiar to them up to first выпитой of
a wine-glass. Гурики свято trust in an axiom: « How well be
sober! » And they in an ideal to this also aspire. But before
some circumstances гурики are powerless. As is not realized
they realize, that there is nothing worse sober гурика. When
гурик is drunk, but in a moderate degree, all better qualities
incorporated in it(him) from a nature are shown. When will
exceed a measure, it becomes worse from it not, but some better
qualities already show can not.
Гурики do not pity(regret) money to meal and выпивку.
Гурик will never mix плавленые сырки with any store зельцем.
If he(it) has money, and money at him(it) is be, because гурики
are able to earn money, but are not able them to keep, it(he)
накупит different деликатесов. Гурик loves to drink expensive(dear)
cognacs and vodka, to smoke "«Parliament", but not
always he(it) has on them money. But at any circumstances
it(he) will not drink бодяжную vodka and to use that it seems
to it(him) suspicious.
Гурики love to put on fashionably,
But are not able it to do(make). In it they nothing understand.
The nature has put in pawn in them aspiration to simplicity
and sincerity and to win itself they be unable. Therefore
frequently they look clumsily.
At гуриков not enough furniture is usual
Гурики do not love, when in their dwelling there is a lot
of furniture. Conditions at most outstanding гурика of our
time And. Гурова always consist of one sofa, тумбочки, on
which there was a TV set, and stool replacing a table. Recently,
it(he) had all the same to buy to itself a table the increased
well-being last years of socialism did not allow to place
all kinds of hors d'oevres on one табурете.
Гурики are very clean
If they are not so drunk, in their apartments all sparkles
by cleanliness. They love to go in баню, and do(make) it not
under the time-table, and at any time and any day, when by
him(it) it wants. But in clothes thus can be careless.
The majority гуриков nothing understand in экзистенциализме,
did not read Кьеркегора, Ницше and others мыслителей. It is
system, inaccessible to them, of coordinates. But is inaccessible
so, as far as that simple system of measurements is inaccessible
to understanding to the connoisseurs of these very clever
currents, in which live гурики.
To cult
films many гуриков can be attributed(related) « such Lives
парень », « the Bad good man », « Flights in dream and наяву
», « Autumn марафон ». Гурики very much sympathize with the
protagonists, because all these histories, in different variants,
пережиты by them personally. The literary predilections гуриков
are very various. For them there are no formal installations:
it should read гурики, and it is not present. Everyone гурик
itself decides(solves) as it(him) to live. But one mine familiar
гурик very much loves to read Чехова and exemplary гуриком
considers(counts) the doctor Самойленко from the story "«Duel"
written on film And. Хейфица « the Bad good man ». And the
film this it(he) can look daily before the use both after
the use and thus never poorly itself feels. Most of all гурики
the films Э do not love. Рязанова, in the heroes of these
films there is no that simplicity, from which the truth is
The internal world гуриков in the literature is better than
all has displayed one of the best representatives of these
people Виктор Кузяк. In his(its) poetic creativity vital philosophy
гуриков, their unsophisticated sight on the world, свод of
those rules, on which they exist.
About гуриках it is possible to tell indefinitely, but the
eternal employment does not allow to make it. Who has desire
and the opportunity can continue this narration, поведав any
history or joke about these people. For what all this is told?
For what all this околесица? The answer to this question has
found already for a long time Венедикт Ерофеев: « It is necessary
чтить... потемки of another's soul, it is necessary to look
in them, let even there and there is nothing, let there дрянь
one - all the same: look and чти, look and do not spit...
» And for what. Пастернак the Doctor Живаго » has written
sad and boring «? I shall answer: that огранить that poetic
brilliant at the end of all this tiresome history. As also
foreword it plays a role by that simple оправы, in which especially
brightly will begin to sparkle verses of best of best гуриков
In. Кузяка.