is no, Kazak, you not brave джин,
Not lider under the sun -
Behind your window
You always one.
not present, Kazak, you are not drunk with faults.
With очерствелым by heart,
Without единоверцев
You always one.
Will recollect,
that one -
Will fling open window-
Will play the sun
By hair of gray hairs.
Is devoted to Mogarytch
Not frequently
in life озаренье
To us gives пониманье us -
Life as the river, her(it) теченье
It is impossible to stop at one o'clock...
to overlook(forget), to not recollect never,
Who in the past in life
To me opened doors.
Whether not so in a high water water in the river behaves,
What will feel the losses?
You see
плеском of muddy waves the river
Not воссоздаст of transparent jets of sources.
Let I water, but my hand -
In my river there is no place for defects!
All I
remember the lovely friends
Yours жар of soul, yours рукопожатья.
To me you to overlook(forget), how the life mine is impossible
Forever to me you the expensive(dear) brothers!
June 5, 1983.
I am alive. And frequently silhouette
Mine see above Neva in a fog.
Do not speak, that I like. The poet
Finds happiness in благороднейшем a deceit.
Do not
notice me. Mine краток a way.
To me not my love
It is impossible to love in the beginning,
That in the end in the universe to step,
Having left in memory of itself a seal of griefs.
Yes, I
shall leave. Destiny to not pass.
I superfluous in the world. But your eyes
Allow to love, and sadly to hope,
That mine могильный a stone омоет their tear.
September 11, 1983.
When I hungry, when I cold,
When I бесправный, when I the homeless -
Then I free!
When keen, when depressed,
When обольщенный, when отлученный -
Then I in love!
When I favourite, when I lazy,
When I холимый, when I truthful -
Then I happy!
When I пропащий, when I soaring,
When not concealing, when all giving -
Then I creating!
September 11, 1983.
As difficultly it happens in the beginning
The prudently chosen way
To pass without melancholy and grief,
Obstinately from him(it) to not curtail(turn).
As difficultly it happens порою
In напастях of past day
To consult(cope) with любою бедою
Destiny, that does not love me.
As difficultly it happens in a result
To appear, nothing thawing,
On court in silent чертоге,
Where теплится conscience mine.
September 16, 1983.
where найду I a joy?
In what сверхназначенье mine?
For what I shall receive the award,
And where I shall lose her(it)?
Certainly, I кажусь familiar strange
In attempt it is famous to live, chapter not преклонив,
And each day passes anonymous,
As льдины of Ladoga floating in a gulf.
But shall be correct I мятежной лире,
By the slave of the passions I shall stay for ever.
Расстают my days in this perfect world,
As the Ladoga ice will disappear without a trace.
So in what then mine сверхназначенье?
I what for tries постигнуть of life essence?
To me foretells unconditional забвенье,
As ice of cold days, irrevocable way!
October 1, 1983.
To me
thirty eight will be speed.
As it is a pity, that the life so is short.
And the autumn is inevitable a rhyme
The hand deduces, hardly shivering.
life - dream from children's dreams?
Where courageous youth дерзанье?
Because of losses of left years it is not visible of tears,
Is not audible hearts nervous терзанье.
I do not play with life in прятки,
I do not hide in water of the ends,
I live наивно, without оглядки
With careless luxury of fools.
I owe anybody nothing
And again of duties I do not take.
Mine бренный the way тернист also is combined,
To it(him) I protect tenderness.
I understand a hopelessness
To me уготованной of destiny,
But inability to make meanness(low act)
Gives me forces for struggle!
October 19, 1983.
beer I sentimental
And, imagination маня,
In a sea fog city distant
Suddenly visits(attends) again me.
I go on quays pure(clean),
I inhale easy sea бриз
Also I recollect Питер мглистый,
And кабаков of a step downwards.
To recognize a Mirage for явь not смею
And in кабаке long I sit,
Душою spunky онемею,
By eyes dead I look.
To prolong очарованье
Пивка I again отхлебну,
Продлю on an instant with dream свиданье
And анекдотец to you загну.
I then shall add портвеи,
Fog with dream in бриз утопя,
And завиральные of idea
Do not pursue me.
February 1, 1986.
Monologue of Mogarytch
I осенен
by mysterious marks
Наивно I believe - truth there is a source.
To me the woman all breast исплакали
But me желанней West, than East.
I leave,
meal, excuse.
Hardly вернусь back for ever.
About, woman! You about itself not мните.
It is time to marry to me in mine of year.
On иностранке
it is time to me to marry.
It is time to have the family and house.
Also costs(stands) for the sake of it напиться,
To wake up suddenly abroad.
My day
рожденья the most light holiday,
It(him) I love, as a bar, as вино.
I let is unrestrained, let I проказник,
But glory to the God, I am not lonely.
My friends
always in the large honour,
To me the women up to одури are correct,
My silhouette you at once learn(find out)
In foggy дымке on брегах of Neva.
I осенен,
I полубог, I the genius.
I пребываю in озареньи of businesses.
Let all болит - but I am great and in laziness
And to be always great - my destiny.
Well that,
friends!? Grow stout заздравну чашу!
I have told all, that I to tell wanted.
For happiness! For love! For pleasure ours!
Налей, Санек, I, seem, вспотел!
March 27, 1989.
- 1 -
I lived
also of saws always as could,
To me the house was a cellar, where морг,
I there created science,
And all was searched by(with) the ideal,
Наивно and is severe.
Well, what here such?
- 2 -
I have
replaced life by science
And with the hologram slept also of saws.
And the friend will not let on a threshold,
When I drunk изнемог,
I shall not tell words,
Well, what here such?
- 2а
( I know
itself, when to me to drink,
When to work, of whom to be friends,
I go for a walk - me and features not the brother
And life then ярчей стократ
Also costs(stands) expensive(dear).
Well what here such?)
- 3 -
I remember
at an early o'clock
Озноб похмельный up to нутра.
The city slowly rose,
Already tram задребезжал,
And I slept under a fence.
Well, what here such?
- 4 -
I in
вытрезвитель got,
And at work there was a scandal,
All took away in me,
My work cheaply appreciating,
It is necessary you see slightly.
Well, what here such?
- 5 -
I fifty-fifty
divided vodka,
To me white light was small and is lovely,
And I was happy each day,
Where Leningrad the shadow wanders,
Up to a pain to me native.
Well, what here such?
- 6 -
I believe
maximum reason is -
It(he) protects drunk honour.
From shine of drunk mind(wit)
The head - is slightly turned
The rhyme also is ready.
Well what here such?
- 7 -
I пропивал
had everything, that,
The same destiny waits ahead,
But myself I remain,
From not отрекусь,
Let God does not judge strictly.
Well what here such?
- 8 -
I expect
all somehow,
And you, my friend, not позабудь:
I and from a tomb shall cry,
That I again fault want:
“ Налей faster again! ”
Well what here such?
- 9 -
I thought,
the life has not managed,
She(it) поллитрой was carried by,
But the horizon has opened again,
Money and love has revived,
And in it you see a basis.
Well what here such?
- 10
I shall
offer in a result a toast,
As life it(he) is perfect and is simple:
“ For the present I am alive, I drink,
Also is alive, for the present I drink,
Both all also all can I love,
Also I do not want other. ”
Well that here such!?
18, 1993.
Fragmentary ideas,
Devoted to the friends with Kolomenskaya Street.
flats, commune flats,
The Leningrad court yard,
You are poor, are dirty, жалки -
Cockroaches and клопы...
(S. Uzilov. From unpublished.)
What for to try ворошить былое?
It(him) back, right to not return.
Of what dreamed, all alien, empty.
And ahead cold, gloomy way.
Really, what for to create and to trust,
To bear(carry) the cargo of spiritual heavy flours(torments)?
Future past to not measure
And to not expect with the help of sciences.
I not чту of hope useless
And, at last, отрекся from all дум,
But idea defective, болезные,
Everyone visit(attend) the perverted mind(wit).
I recollect fragmentary
Былых of times perfect hour,
When пропили we is worthless
Destiny, and божий глас.
I lived also of saws simultaneously,
Подспудно understanding all ж:
Do not betray us invariable
Only our fictions and ложь.
In that time everyone is constant
Жег of Mirages the fires
Both жертвенно, and покаянно
Губил of idea and dream.
On all an interdiction, in all a barrier -
So to live then not everyone could.
And the vodka to us was the award
For day lived - the God sees!
To live on Kolomna not boringly -
Still so Пушкин spoke.
We there expressed scientifically,
Who as... And жрал, and saws.
there was I the poet and drunkard,
And till now I such,
And the trace of disgraces lasts
Behind mine (hardly) by a shivering hand.
All I remember only in gloomy light...
In трущобных Питера court yard
Small children play
And shadow drunk in corners.
It is
a lot of apartments there municipal -
For сброда everyone - shelter,
Пьянчуг and гопников banal.
Осклизь and вонь. Клопов a cosiness...
Well ладно. I hardly приемлю
These verses and idea,
But in подсознаньи I not дремлю
And you still I love.
Yes, there were times, were денечки,
The I rest them, as faults drink a deposit.
Эх, life mine - канавы, пни yes кочки!
In a verse, as in a glass, I am bitter tears I pour.
I do not want diamonds directly from the sky,
I do not search for the friends among enemies,
The fault and bread is poorly necessary - only to me.
Эх, life mine - magic gift of the gods.
I have nothing to hide from justice
And to bequeath to me there is nothing the friends,
Well, unless one hundred lines словоблудия -
My soul unfading defect.
I not соврал. And I shall tell меж by us:
“ Though I then was always unsociable,
But with what I you здравствовал by verses
And for the sake of you, as is correct you loved! ”
April 3, 1994.
You are
happy - I I drink fault a little
Also I do not breathe with похмелья to you in очи,
But in it, right, not your fault,
And not my merit, by the way.
You are
happy, native, I am not drunk
In usual пониманьи of this word -
You see a vote by mine лиры not увял,
And it(he) sounds мятежно-sweet again.
You are
happy, that you always with me -
The friends mine there were units,
I am free - me from the friends rest,
And per day to not use up and half-page.
You are
happy, than I was happy,
But much still we having not time(were in time).
I lived also of saws, loving all learnt,
Подспудно trusting in infinity of the purpose.
You are
happy, that I on light is,
All give back to me, being pleased thus.
Well what to tell - at drunk the honour,
Especially, you are happy with the poet.
You are
happy, that you are always right
And it we yet of time упьемся.
Whether to give sense opposite to all words?
And true in fault? - Give, understand?
March 21, 1996.
I shall place think in стройный a number(line),
I shall untangle of feelings an intoxicated round dance.
And I гениальности am glad!
And I гениальностью am proud!
( V. Kuzyak. From unpublished).
- 1 -
It became
pleased of years
And, was that, that is not present.
What to me promises суетность of days?
To not separate light from shadows.
- 2 -
I believe to hope,
That this world to me not соврет,
But I am not torn how before
Always... (Illegibly) forward.
- 3 -
To quiet
I shall get used life,
But suddenly in омут of reproach
Лечу with hardly дрогнувшей by a hand.
On me ль bliss and rest?
- 4 -
In foggy
дымке парапетов
Mine learned(found out) a silhouette
Also enjoyed without plots,
I, as the artist and poet.
- 5 -
night, black days
Whether yes it is necessary them to recollect!?
If they again have returned
For what them then to exchange?
- 6 -
Do not
judge me strictly,
I lived also of saws always as could.
Who will tell - a little, and who - much,
But судия to me only God!
- 7 -
I lived
showing activity,
Дерзал I in another's edges(territories),
And I was owned by(with) naivety -
Poor luxury mine.
- 8 -
When alarms
All beat me on нутру,
I was gained(helped) by(with) carelessness
And eternal fidelity to goods.
- 9 -
наивный and kind
I of a mountain and sea пройду,
I shall overlook(forget) невзгоды, contentions
And to have a drink the friends I shall call.
- 10
What spiritual
Still it is necessary to go through!
What дебоши with boredom
Still it is necessary to make!
- 11
The days
пеленой will cover years,
But through fogs непогоды
The clear beam - will penetrate the sun
In a circle of the friends the glass is sparkling!
- 12
certainly, we shall be going,
The crafty world will allow it us.
Sometime more than once still напьемся,
Not озираяся on the parties.
- 13
And the
toasts again for friendship will be poured,
And турбулентно an idea погонит blood.
More quickly! More quickly again очутиться
In a circle of the friends: “ For friendship and love! ”
- 14
We shall
recollect shine of mind(wit) and Питер мглистый,
And youth мятежной star hour.
Yes our souls will be eternally pure(clean)!
Yes there will be a life happy for all of us!
March 31, 1996.
On native
tombs it became difficult to get -
The faults we, but such of darkness authority did not search.
I know, the mum, in bad I have appeared hour:
Forty fifth, победный, Karlag- Renessans.
of border, as if in the world a plague,
We remember the lovely persons: the memory is, there is no
I remember, mum, yours oral, безыскусный the story,
As, with Tambov деревни, the camp has rescued the girl.
will not be now on the contrary
And to the father on a tomb again дитя will not come?
Ах, what for me, mum, you on light have given rise?
Well what dream? What love? What war? Well businesses!
How many
time all hopes burnt out completely.
We not those, that before: the life has taken, but has given.
Know, the mum, me designates lovely West a cosiness,
Though кулацкого of the grandson at all there also do not
For native
tombs heart ноет - болит.
The authorities of darkness inevitably maximum court are necessary.
Again, mum, I hope, I again catches the chance
Both I am asked and I swear: - “ Karlag-Renessans! ”
September 1, 1996.